在過去五十年輝煌的搖滾歲月中,Marshall音箱強而有力的破音音色成為了 搖滾樂中大功率音箱的標準,如果不是因為Marshall音箱, Cream和Jimi Hendrix Experience在1960年代末期時將不會那麼出色,而如 果沒有Cream和Jimi Hendrix,重金屬可能就沒機會誕生了,搖滾樂也不會像 現在如此輝煌與蓬勃發展,而讓Marshall音箱開始在世界上大鳴大放,則要 歸功於來自美國的吉他之神Jimi Hendrix, 他狂野及創新的演奏技巧,對音 色的控制和舞臺表演使他成為了搖滾樂歷史中最璀燦的一位巨星,他極具天 賦的吉他技巧所呈現出令人震驚的表演中,他自始自終唯一使用Marshall音箱, 使得 Marshall音箱於搖滾越界中迅速走紅,從此之後,這個來自英國的音箱 品牌Marshall便成為搖滾樂界每一位吉他手極欲擁有的音箱品牌! 前級管: 2 x ECC83, 1 x ECC83 後級管: 2 x EL34 英國生產製造 單體: Celestion G12M-25 From sparkling cleans to the heavy grit of distortion the 2525CTM brings you the classic tones of 1987 in a portable style. The 25w 1x12" combo has one Celestion G12 M25 speaker that is not to be underestimated. With two footswitchable channels and the ability to add extra distortion the 2525C delivers the same grunt and crunch that you see in the Silver Jubilee series. Suitable for small venues, in the studio and rehearsing. This can be taken one step further and using the power reduction feature from 20w to 5w you can still play in your bedroom. MIX YOUR SOUND You can switch with ease between two channels, anything from a clean, shimmering tone to a dirty, overdrive allowing you to mix between classic rock and metal tones. MIX YOUR SOUND You can switch with ease between two channels, anything from a clean, shimmering tone to a dirty, overdrive allowing you to mix between classic rock and metal tones. |